Critical Thinking

systematic curiosity 

and an open mind

What is the most important feature of critical thinking?

The effort to understand any information in the broadest possible context.

Critically thinking people

Their minds are trained to look below the surface of any claim, argument, study or article.

They examine the motives and qualifications of the authors, the logical coherence of the presented claims, the credibility of the evidence, the honesty in drawing conclusions, or fidelity to scientific methodology.

They don't just follow other people's thinking and random information. They also systematically and carefully observe their own motivations, thought processes and the formation of their own opinions and decisions.

They understand that a topic can be multi faceted, and instead of choosing only one angle and discarding the others, they try to understand several of them.

They constantly try to improve their sense of precision in expression and thinking. The result is a structured, consistent and logical expression.


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